Alfresco 5.2 includes a new “Create Link” button in the out-of-the-box
folder picker. In the custom page let’s assume that the user needs to
specify a folder path and there is also a requirement to hide the new “Create Link” button in the
folder picker.
To hide this Create Link button create a custom client-side JavaScript
module that extends the Alfresco folder picker module. To avoid conflicts in “Alfresco”
namespace it is better to place the custom client-side object in a separate
namespace. In the example code below we declare a “Formtek” object. The
client-side object defined in this code will live in the Formtek namespace. Next
we will declare the constructor for this new client-side object. The
constructor in turn calls the superclass constructor and registers the object
using the Alfresco ComponentManager.
After registering the new client-side object, the actual object
is defined. Formtek.module.XRefGlobalFolder object extends the Alfresco.module.DoclibGlobalFolder
object using YAHOO.extend and in this example it overrides the _updateSelectedNode
method to hide the Create Link button. Additional methods can be overridden to
further customize the Alfresco folder picker.
Include the above javascript client-side object in your custom
page and use this new client-side
JavaScript object from your custom page to
hide the Create Link button.
ALL the tips are useful and carry an equal importance and I am totally satisfied with your tips and you have shared this blog for the good work.